How to Export your Jupyter Notebook to Medium in 3 easy steps

How to Export your Jupyter Notebook to Medium in 3 easy steps

2020, Jul 14    

1. Install jupyter_to_medium on Jupyter:

pip install jupyter_to_medium
jupyter bundlerextension enable --py jupyter_to_medium._bundler --sys-prefix

2. Get your integration token:

Get your integration token by going to your Medium Account’s Settings > Integration Token.

3. Set your integration token:

mkdir -p ~/.jupyter_to_medium # make directory if missing 
echo "YOUR-INTEGRATION-TOKEN" > ~/.jupyter_to_medium/integration_token

All done!

The next time you restart Jupyter Notebook, you will be able to deploy your notebooks straight to Medium!

Export Button

PS: This medium article has been generated from this Jupyter Notebook using jupyter_to_medium.